
Somewhere In Between

Natasha Frisch makes the most elegant and precise work. Often in tracing paper. Pristine replicas of everyday objects, elevated by the immaculate translucent material and crisp, precision construction.

Today I went to the opening of her show at Dianne Tanzer Gallery.
Her work was beautiful. 3 photographs of delicate paper plants growing through the cracks, but what really got me were the two life-size ikea chairs made entirely of tracing paper. Everything I love about her work. Subtle. Quiet. Subversive.

I had a quick look in the other room and was returning to talk to Natasha when I realised something was wrong. I looked around and was shocked to see the chairs entirely destroyed. Someone sat on them.

It's hard to say anything useful to someone who has just watched their careful work of the last months demolished. I felt sick for her. And amazed. I forget that if you didn't know her work, and weren't paying attention, they really would look just like chairs, they do. But jesus.

Now they look like broken chairs. Incredibly beautiful, broken chairs. Seeing them pulled apart is a revelation of their perfect construction, both inside and out. No consolation, for Natasha, but I think it only adds to their beauty.

All I could do was selfishly say I was glad I saw them. And I meant it. Sorry Natasha, I loved your work, and I love it still.

All images courtesy of Natasha Frisch.


pen said...


lauren said...

i also feel sick. but then i also feel like maybe it's a compliment of sorts? or maybe there are just too many dickheads in this world.

btw, brilliant post about it. perfect amount of tension and 'jesus!'..